Susan Arima, Licensed Acupuncturist
(0 Reviews)
Susan Arima, Licensed Acupuncturist has been working the health care field for over 30 years. Her practice incorporates acupuncture, acupressure trigger point muscle release in addition to herbs, whole food supplements and nutritional counseling for acute and chronic pain, sports injuries, stress relief, anxiety and depression, p.m.s in addition to overall general wellness.
Location: Sandpoint
Street Address:
101 N. Fourth Ave.
City: Sandpoint, ID
Phone: 208.255.2989
Location: Sandpoint
Street Address:
101 N. Fourth Ave.
City: Sandpoint, ID
Phone: 208.255.2989
Listing added on: 04/16/17 , Total hits: 2393
101 N. Fourth Ave.