Rhea Maloney, Licensed Acupuncturist
(0 Reviews)
I am a licensed acupuncturist in the profession for over 20 years. I use an Acugraph to graph the Meridians and give us an in depth look at your energies and areas of balance and imbalance. I also use an Acutron, which uses microcurrent and probes to assist with those areas of pain. I also look at vitamins, diet etc. to see if you are getting the nutrients you need.
Location: Sandpoint
Street Address:
510 N. Fourth Ave. Sandpoint, ID
City: Sandpoint, ID
Phone: 208.265.0707
Location: Sandpoint
Street Address:
510 N. Fourth Ave. Sandpoint, ID
City: Sandpoint, ID
Phone: 208.265.0707
Listing added on: 04/16/17 , Total hits: 2740
510 N. Fourth Ave. Sandpoint, ID