Bonner County Prosecutor
(0 Reviews)
We, the Bonner County Prosecutor's Office, serve the public and law enforcement agencies by prosecuting criminal cases through aggressive, fair and timely prosecution of crimes while offering dignity, respect, and support to crime victims. We also prosecute and defend civil actions involving Bonner County, and advise the county commissioners and other public officers on matters of county business.
Location: Sandpoint
Street Address:
127 S. First Avenue Sandpoint, ID
City: Sandpoint, ID
Phone: (208) 263-6714
Location: Sandpoint
Street Address:
127 S. First Avenue Sandpoint, ID
City: Sandpoint, ID
Phone: (208) 263-6714
Listing added on: 04/16/17 , Total hits: 3429
127 S. First Avenue Sandpoint, ID